The ACVO/Epicur National Service Animal Eye Exam is a philanthropic event that provides free, ocular screening eye exams to qualified Service & Working Animals each May. These exams are provided by those members of the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists who choose to participate and volunteer their time and resources. The program benefits formally trained working animals who selflessly care for us all. Registration is open April 1st - 30th annually. Approximately 8,000 eye exams are provided across America, Canada and Puerto Rico each May.

This program would not be successful without the generosity of our board certified ACVO Diplomates who donate their time, staff, and services. We thank our generous name-sake sponsor, Epicur Pharma (a division of Stokes Healthcare), additional sponsors, and non-profit supporters.

We would also like to thank everyone who allowed us to use their amazing photos and stories.

Registration for the 2024 Event is now closed.